UNILAG JOURNAL OF BUSINESS offers a highly readable research-oriented collection of articles in all aspects of Business Management disciplines, as it is practiced in Nigeria. The journal promotes dialogue and innovative thinking around theory and practice based on conceptual creativity, reflexivity and empirical enquiry among and between researchers and practitioners. The journal welcomes articles in all areas of business management and economics. We consider for publication both theoretical and applied manuscripts.
UNILAG JOURNAL OF BUSINESS is published by the Department of Business Administration, University of Lagos. Articles, reviews, and notes that are judged potentially suitable for UNILAG JOURNAL OF BUSINESS will be assessed through blind review by at least two reviewers who have expertise in the subject area. Papers submitted for publication should preferably be empirical and must deal with typical management problems. However, theoretical manuscripts must provide a clear conceptual link to important and interesting applications in business and economics. The journal assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed by authors.